SEK 318 million granted within the annual open call 2018

Forte’s board has granted SEK 318 million in research funding to 92 research projects in health, working life and welfare.
This year Forte received a total of 1 093 applications within the annual open call for proposals in the fields of health, working life and welfare. This is a decrease compared to last year’s 1 247.
“We are happy to see that our annual open call remains popular and receive many applications. Our society faces great and difficult challenges. By annually strengthening the research within health, working life and welfare, new research and knowledge can benefit society and let us to face challenges in a more efficient way”, says Cecilia Beskow, Head of Research and Evaluation at Forte.
Out of the 92 projects that will receive funding, 57 will be led by women and 35 by men.
Among the funded projects, 13 are junior researcher grants. This group will receive a total of SEK 58 million over four years.
In addition to the 92 research project grants and junior researcher grants, the board approved 13 applications for postdoc grants.
Forte’s annual open call for proposals within health, working life and welfare is an open call that is announced in December every year.
A list of all approved applications can be found on the page Grant decisions.